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Introducing Freelance Health Economist Spotlight

Are you aware that EuropeanHealthEconomics.com has started to intermediate freelance health economics projects?

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming weekly feature: “Spotlighting Freelance Health Economists.” Our goal is to connect companies in need of freelance health economics expertise with top-tier freelancers available for projects. To kick things off, we invite you to watch a brief video by Jari Kempers.

Freelance health economist Spotlights coming soon

Hello my fellow Health Economists,

I’m Jari from EuropeanHealthEconomics.com. I’m the health economist running the job board for you. With this short video I want to share a short news with you. Those of you who are following me already on LinkedIn, you might have noticed that we have started to intermediate freelance health economics projects.

In the weeks ahead, we’ll start spotlighting experienced freelance health economists who are currently available for projects, and show casting their skill sets and experience. Obviously, with this we want to reach out to companies and teams who are currently looking for freelance health economists. So, please stay tuned.

If you are a freelance health economist looking for a new project, and would be interested in this kind of spotlighting. Please get in touch with me. And especially, if your team is looking for a freelance Health economic, please get in touch with me. My contact details are on the website and my LinkedIn profile.

Thank you for using EuropeanHealthEconomics.com, and we look forward to serving you also in the future.

Jari Kempers
Health Economist, PhD. I’m the founder of EuropeanHealthEconomics.com®, the specialised job board for my fellow health economists and the companies hiring them. I help managers and HR teams find experienced freelance health economists for projects and interim roles.

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