Are you Afraid of Public Speaking and Presentations? 

Learn to speak, present and communicate with confidence. Highly-rated SparkWords course proven by over 10,000 students. Learn public speaking & communicating: skip theory –  master the art!

What you’ll learn?

  • Deliver unforgettable stories with these 10 essential ingredients.
  • Organize your presentation with an easy, memory recall strategy.
  • Use words that are worth a thousand pictures.
  • Create a simple, no-brainer strategy to cope with your fear of public speaking.
  • Manage & Lead With Your Own Voice of Authority.
  • Develop your presentation skills so that you persuade and motivate your audience.
  • Find Just What to Say & How to Say it.
  • Give your audience real value.
  • Adapt your presentation on the fly.
  • Stop feeling sleazy about selling with this one presentation secret.
  • Begin your presentation with a win & close with a bang.
  • Punch Fear in The FACE.


  • The Sparkwords method was designed for all age groups, educational backgrounds & walks of life. English is required.
  • You will be required to work at applying the sparkwords method in order to get something out of it, this IS NOT one of those courses that promises everything without asking for some practice in return to be able to master it.

What’s a lightning fast way to make instant connections, grow your social capital, and network like a boss? Simply put: public speaking. It’s the foundation for social skills, emotional intelligence, and people skills, and it’s not as difficult to learn as it’s made out to be. Steve Jobs owned every single conversation, presentation, and product-launch that he was a part of. As an amazing speaker, Steve Jobs conducted the audience like an orchestra through captivating speeches and conversations around the world. Now, with the aid of this course, you can too.

  • Learn essential public speaking skills
  • Always know just what to say & how to say it
  • Gain key research skills
  • Create a simple, no-brainer strategy to cope w/ fear of public speaking
  • Manage & lead w/ your authoritative voice
  • Become a better listener
  • Voice your ideas & take advantage of the influence you have
  • Improve your job interviewing skills
  • Develop strong presentation skills

Look how these students compared this course to many others, plus a university-

Christine Tripp says:

“I’ve taken several courses on speaking and none of them were like this course! This course is what they are missing.”

Eugene Berman says :

“Local universities here in Massachusetts charge $1,200 to $2,500 or more for speaking courses & most aren’t half as good as yours! Many are a disappointment. Your speaking course really is wonderful.”

The one & only SPARKWORDS Speaking method: Skip Theory, Master Art, Speak-Up & PUNCH FEAR in the FACE!

Here is Why My Sparkwords Public Speaking Course Works So Well

A LOT of Public Speaking Courses, Books or Classes are so boring that the student dreads the learning process and drops out or takes the course but learns nothing because it was so hard paying attention.

The way I teach is to excite and get their heart involved along with their mind. Sometimes you can’t just feed the mind but must feed the heart in order to access both heart & mind, as well as get the desired success from the student. 

I teach in scattered order, adding pieces at a time from different directions. This way they can build small pieces of the puzzle and absorb it over time. It also challenges them by keeping them in constant mental stimulation with interesting stories & constant moving around so that they are working to keep up. Japanese fishermen put sharks in the live wells with the fish to keep them lively and fresh by running constantly away from the shark. Interestingly enough, a lot of the fish would die before they get back to shore if it wasn’t for the running from the shark that keeps them alive.

I’ll see you inside 🙂

Who this course is for:

  • The sparkwords method is not restricted to beginners or advanced speakers. This course changes how speaking in public is even perceived by both the speaker & the audience. Therefore, this course is for all levels & all levels will grow quickly from this course.
  • Young & Successful Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Course Creators, Instructors, Teachers, eCourse Designers, Startups, CEO’s & Non-profits, Attorneys, Marketers, SmallBusiness owners & College Grads or Students. Anyone on this planet who needs or wants to Speak, Present & Communicate with confidence.
  • Introverts, Extroverted Introverts & Ambiverts

See more Presentation Skills Courses 

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