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Find CV of health economist from the Health Economics Talent Pool
Find Health Economists from the Health Economics Talent Pool.

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Please note that this service is only for hiring managers and in-house recruiters. Unfortunately, the CV lead service is not for recruitment agencies.

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Health economist candidates and the role

The highest completed health economics related education.
Years of health economics related work experience.
City and country where the position is located.
E.g. a job profile, technical skills.

About the Health Economics Talent Pool

Work experience

37% of the health economists registered in the CV database have 5 – 10 years of work experience. These professionals are senior health economists, senior consultants, managers and PhD fellows.

21% of the health economists in the Talent Pool have more than 10 years of experience. This group includes directors, senior consultants and academics. Approximately half of this most experienced group have a PhD.

19% of the candidates have worked for 3 – 4 years as a health economist. Their roles are health economists, consultants and managers.

23% of the candidates registered in the CV database are juniors with 1 – 2 years of work experience. They have work titles like; analyst, intern and junior health economist.  

Health economics related work experience of health economists registered in the Health Economics Talent Pool.
Work experience of health economists registered in the Talent Pool.
The education level of health economists registered in the Health Economics Talent Pool.
The education level of health economists registered in the CV database.

The education level

The majority of the health economists registered in the CV database have a master’s degree (66%). 18% of the Talent Pool have completed a Doctorat, and 14% have a bachelor’s degree. These are the highest completed education levels. Therefore, PhD candidates are included in the master group and the current master students as bachelors. Finally, a small group (2%) has a health economics related training certificate.

We only included candidates with a health economics degree, or a closely related degree, like pharmacist, statistics or general economics with some health economics modules or additional training.