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Why Do So Many Freelance Health Economists Fail?

Why do so many freelance health economists stop after one year? Starting as a freelance health economist offers the allure of independence and the freedom to choose one’s projects and work schedule. However, many freelance health economists struggle to sustain their businesses and stop after only one year of freelancing. Why is this the case?

Here is my analysis, based on over 15 years of experience in freelancing and helping other freelancers find projects through our job board.

1. Poor Marketing and Selling Skills:

We health economists are well-versed in technical and analytical work, but we are not good at marketing and selling our services. You can be the best health economist, but if you cannot attract new clients, your freelancing career will be short-lived.

2. Insufficient Networking:

Building a robust network is vital for freelancing. However, during our busy assignments, we health economists often focus solely on our current tasks and completely forget and neglect networking.

3. Too Small Client Base:

Your network of potential clients is too small to sustain a steady flow of new assignments, especially for starting freelancers.

4. Poor Visibility to Companies:

There’s a disconnect in the market. Companies needing freelance health economists cannot find you. They often struggle to find available and qualified freelancers quickly and conveniently when needed.

The consequence is that you receive fewer assignments, and there are gaps between projects. Your income becomes inconsistent. That is why many freelance health economists are forced to abandon their freelance dreams and return to the stability of salaried employment.

It does not have to be like this. EuropeanHealthEconomics.com serves as an intermediary between companies needing freelancers and our pool of experienced freelance health economists.

👉 For Companies: Do you need a freelance health economist to support your team? We help you find experienced freelancers and the expertise you need swiftly and efficiently. Contact Jari Kempers to discuss the expertise you need and your timeline.

👉 For Freelancers: We help freelancers become successful by finding you new assignments. If you are an experienced freelance health economist based in Europe, interested in joining our freelancer pool, please visit the website and submit your CV.

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