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Are Health Economists Finding Your Company?

When talking with human resource personnel recruiting health economists, I often hear this opinion: “We are one of the top pharmaceutical companies, and our career page will attract experienced health economists. Our company’s career page is working just fine.” Then, a couple of weeks later, the role is given to an expensive recruitment agency to fill. Maybe the company career pages are not working as well as believed?

Things look quite different from the perspective of an experienced health economist who might be passively looking for a new opportunity. There are more than 100 companies that regularly recruit health economists. I’m sure they are not following all these companies unless they are using EuropeanHealthEconomics. com—like the 3,400 other users last month.

The job board made for health economists has almost all health economics jobs in one place. Today, there are 119 health economist jobs available.

Check it out yourself 👉 click here.

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