Health Economics Jobs Newsletter Reached 2,000 Subscribers!

Hello everyone, I’m excited to announce that our weekly Health Economics Job Newsletter has reached a new milestone. It has now over 2,000 subscribers! Thank you for subscribing and using our the job board of health economists – By health economists. I’m Jari from EuropeanHealthEconomics. com. I’m the health economist running the job board for you. With this video, … Read more

8 Reasons Why You Should Sign Up for the Health Economics Jobs Newsletter

Get the Free Weekly Health Economics Jobs Newsletter

Are you a health economist looking for new career opportunities? It can be challenging to keep up with new job postings and application deadlines. With 2,000 subscribers, the Health Economics Jobs Newsletter is the go-to resource for health economists. The Health Economics Jobs Newsletter is a free, weekly email that gives a summary of the most recent health economics jobs … Read more

Will learning R improve your career prospects as a health economist?

Why health economists should learn R to improve their career prospects?

Should you be learning R? We reviewed the 100 latest health economics jobs on EuropeanHealthEconomics .com. It’s clear that R is becoming increasingly important for health economists. R skills were required in 15% of health economics job adverts. Interestingly, more than half of these job ads did not mention any software skills. This likely reflects that many of the job … Read more

Freelancer Spotlight: Health Economist, PhD, Specialised in Modelling and Oncology

Hire an experienced freelance health economist

The freelance health economist of the month, ready to support your team. An experienced health economist with a PhD, who has developed over 50 cost-effectiveness and budget impact models. This expert is specialised in the health economics modelling of oncology treatments and survival analyses. Do you need a strong modelling expert to support your team? Contact us to get started. … Read more

HEOR Model Validation by Experienced Freelance Health Economists

Validation of health economics, cost-effectiveness and budget impact models by freelance health economists.

Need a second opinion on your model? An experienced freelance health economists can validate your model. Has your HEOR team devoted a lot of time and effort to developing a cost-effectiveness (CEA) or budget impact model for reimbursement submission? While the model appears credible, validating it can ensure there are no unforeseen issues or delays during the submission process. Independent … Read more

Introducing Freelance Health Economist Spotlight

Freelancer health economists on

Are you aware that has started to intermediate freelance health economics projects? We are thrilled to announce the upcoming weekly feature: “Spotlighting Freelance Health Economists.” Our goal is to connect companies in need of freelance health economics expertise with top-tier freelancers available for projects. To kick things off, we invite you to watch a brief video by Jari Kempers. … Read more

Career Advice for Aspiring Health Economists

Considering a career in health economics?

Considering a career in health economics? This field, a vital intersection of healthcare, economics, and policy, offers a rich landscape for professionals passionate about making a significant impact on healthcare systems. As you contemplate this career path, here’s some essential advice to guide your journey. Educational Foundation A master’s degree in health economics is often the gateway to entering the … Read more

Parental Leave? Keep projects moving with a freelance health economist

Maternity leave? Support your team with a freelance health economist

Welcoming a new family member is always a reason to celebrate! However, it’s natural to have concerns about managing your HEOR team’s workload and project timelines while a key member is on parental leave. We understand the importance of maintaining both team momentum and employee well-being. During this time, several solutions can be explored: We understand the importance of maintaining … Read more

15 Health Economics Master’s Programmes in Europe

Jobs for health economists with a Masters

Are you considering studying health economics in Europe? Then you are in the right place! Health economics is a growing field that is essential for the effective management of healthcare systems around the world. Europe has many world-renowned universities that offer excellent health economics programmes, and we have compiled a list of 15 programmes to help you find the perfect … Read more

Overwhelmed? Get a Freelance Health Economist

Freelancer health economist in an office

Fellow health economist, are you feeling overwhelmed with your work? Facing back-to-back 14-hour days? Rushing a last-minute project due for tomorrow, while juggling urgent tasks and five other high-priority projects? You are not sleeping well. You’ve started visiting for the latest health economist jobs every week, updating your CV on Saturday mornings and getting mentally ready to leave. Yet, … Read more

Bridging Recruitment Gaps with Freelance Health Economists

Expert Freelance Health Economists for Recruitment Gaps

As a manager of a health economics team, you’re well aware of the challenges that arise when a key team member departs, especially when it comes to filling their role. Finding the perfect permanent health economist candidate can be a lengthy and demanding process. During this transitional period, keeping your projects moving forward without any setbacks is crucial. This is … Read more

Why learning R will improve your career prospects as a health economist?

Why health economists should learn R to improve their prospects in the job market?

Are you a health economist looking to elevate your career prospects, here are some reasons why learning R could be beneficial. R programming language that has gained significant attention among health economists and their employers in recent years. This free, open-source language is well-regarded for its data visualization and extensive library of packages for econometric analysis. R is a powerful … Read more

A Personal Backstory of

Personal backstory of Jari Kempers and EuropeanHealthEconomics

I’d like to share a personal story with you – a journey that led to the creation of For those new to our community, is a specialized job board dedicated entirely to health economists. It’s a unique platform where professionals in health economics can discover all relevant job opportunities consolidated in one place. So, how did come … Read more

Never Miss a Health Economics Job Opportunity

Sign up for the Health Economics Jobs newsletter.

Sign up for the Health Economics Jobs newsletter. Are you a health economist seeking new career horizons? Look no further! Our Health Economics Jobs Newsletter is your key to unlocking a world of opportunities. With over 1,800 subscribers, the newsletter is the go-to resource for health economists, like you. Access over 100 Health Economics Jobs anytime. Unlock a treasure trove … Read more

Why Python is Health Economists’ New Best Friend?

Get started with Python - online training course Python for health economists

Python is now the second top software skill required from health economists. We reviewed 100 health economist job ads on It is clear that Python is not just a buzzword; it’s a new requirement for health economists. In this post, we’ll walk you through why Python is becoming a must-have skill and how it can seriously improve your chances … Read more

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