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Jobs ONLY for Health Economists

I conducted a small job search experiment using the term “health economics” on LinkedIn jobs. My initial impression was that there are many health economics jobs, which is great. But as I scrolled down, I noticed that many non-matching jobs appeared on the list, like health advisor, public health consultant, and economist roles that have little to do with health economics. In my view, this is not an optimal job search experience.

I frequently get asked, why do you think EuropeanHealthEconomics.com is different from other job boards? Well, here are my answers:

1. It has ONLY health economics jobs. Today, we have 112 health economics jobs in Europe, 85 in North America, and 61 in Asia.

2. It is a specialised job board made exclusively for health economists and, of course, for companies seeking to reach many of them quickly.

3. It is run by a health economist—who, like you, was tired of scrolling through a list of non-matching jobs!

? See the latest health economics jobs.

Jari Kempers
Health Economist, PhD. I’m the founder of EuropeanHealthEconomics.com®, the specialised job board for my fellow health economists and the companies hiring them. I help managers and HR teams find experienced freelance health economists for projects and interim roles.

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