66 terveystaloustieteen työpaikkaa Pohjois-Amerikassa

Viimeisimmät terveystaloustieteilijän työpaikat Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa. Löydä seuraava terveystaloustieteen työpaikkasi jo tänään.

Home » Pohjois-Amerikka » Sivu 5

Associate Director, Global HEOR, Analytics

Jobs at AstraZeneca for Health Economists

Boston, MA, US. The Associate Director, Global Health Economics & Outcomes Research (GHEOR) Analytics, develops and implements HEOR Analytics strategy, including real-world study design and conduct, identification of data sources, and execution of publication plan. The incumbent will utilize SAS or R, web-based analytics tools and other programming languages to efficiently work with real-world databases, to identify and discover target … Read more

Manager, HEMA Clinical and Economic Evidence Strategy

Jobs for health econmists at Boston Scientific

MN / MA, US. Are you passionate about healthcare economics, reimbursement, and delivering value in the medical device industry? Boston Scientific is looking for a Manager of Clinical and Economic Evidence Strategy to join our Health Economics and Market Access (HEMA) team. In this dynamic role, you will work closely with healthcare providers, executives, clinical, medical affairs, scientific affairs and … Read more

Senior Manager, Market Access – Respiratory

Baxter Jobs for Health Economists

Saint Paul, MN, US. Patients with respiratory issues and their unique condition can vary widely, their needs are sophisticated and treating them can be challenging. If patients are unable to clear mucus from their lungs it accumulates, crafting an environment where bacteria can grow, causing lung infections and further damage. To help disrupt this cycle of infection and deteriorating lung … Read more

Regional Field Director, Value & Access

Jobs at Abbvie for Health Economists

Atlanta, GA, US. The Field Director (FD), Regional Accounts, is a field-based scientific leader reporting to the Value & Access (V&A) National Field Director (NFD), within Medical Affairs + Health Impact (MHI), with responsibility to directly manage field engagement activity with Healthcare Access Decision Makers (HCDMs) at the Regional account level.  The FD will lead the Medical Outcomes & Science … Read more

Senior Manager, Market Access – Cardiology

Baxter Jobs for Health Economists

MN / TX / WA, US. Baxter ‘s Bardy Diagnostics, offers an innovative digital health and remote patient monitoring solution, with a focus on providing ECG Monitoring. Developed by an electrophysiologist, the Bardy CAM Patch is a long-term ECG monitor that has been clinically proven to find arrhythmias. It is engineered to optimize p-wave signal capture, which enables it to … Read more

8 Reasons Why You Should Sign Up for the Health Economics Jobs Newsletter

Newsletter for health economists

Are you a health economist looking for new career opportunities? It can be challenging to keep up with new job postings and application deadlines. With 2,300 subscribers, the Health Economics Jobs Newsletter is the go-to resource for health economists. The Health Economics Jobs Newsletter is a free, weekly email that gives a summary of the most recent health economics jobs … Read more

terveystaloustieteen työpaikkaa Pohjois-Amerikassa

Health economist jobs in North America
Viimeisimmät työpaikat terveystaloustieteilijöille Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa.

Työpaikat terveystaloustieteilijöille Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa

Oletko terveystaloustieteilijä, joka etsii uusia uramahdollisuuksia Pohjois-Amerikassa? Tutustu uusimpiin terveystaloustieteen työpaikkoihin Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa. Löydä työpaikkoja lääke- ja konsulttiyrityksistä, jotka on räätälöity asiantuntemuksesi mukaan.

Löydä uusimmat terveystaloustieteilijöiden työpaikat lääketeollisuudessa Yhdysvalloissa että Kanadassa. Tyypillisiä rooleja ovat terveystaloustieteen johtajan ja päällikön tehtävät, HEOR- ja RWD-analyytikot ja konsultit sekä markkinoillepääsytehtävät. EuropeanHealthEconomics.com tarjoaa sinulle ajantasaisen listan avoimista työpaikoista. Etsi ja hae suoraan yrityksen sivulla. Pysy ajan tasalla uusista työpaikoista tilaamalla ilmainen viikoittainen Terveystaloustietieen työpaikkat -uutiskirje. Tilaa terveystaloustieteen työpaikkakirje.

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